User groups for our products

Our tools and welfare technological products are used widely in both the health care sector, in the mental health sector and the educational sphere. 

Products are utilized by youths and children, adults, as well as the elderly, each presenting with a wide range of needs to be met.

Products are designed for situations where the user seek an increased level of self sufficiency, a higher level of concentration, and as a therapeutical tool for people with psychic distress, low quality of sleep, or a low level of general wellbeing. 

Below, you can read more about how our products may be used for each specific user group.

Elderly and dementia patients

Anxiety, wandering around, loud yelling, and similar behavior is often seen at care facilities. These acts are often caused by understimulated senses. By stimulating the "hungry" senses, our products create enhanced wellbeing, changed behavior, and a better work environment.

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Children and youth

A portion of children and youth experience trouble concentrating or receiving education, leading to stunted development and general distress for the child. By supplying sensory stimulation in the right doses, and scheduling the right amount of breaks, our product range can help reduce and remove these obstacles.

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When anxiety, depression or other psychiatric disorders weighs down on individuals, they are often challenged by symptoms of stress, such as difficulty sleeping, or gathering mental surplus for everyday tasks or interactions. Our range of sensory-stimulating products can aid these patients to ease these symptoms and help reduce anxiety, both mentally and motorically.


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